Charmed Design Protective Assortment

Spiritual and protective charms are nothing new which have been setting jewelry trends literally for thousands of years. But I like this charm one.

This charm assortment features a tree of life, a hamsa, and a Turkish glass evil eye. The focal charm, the tree of life, is beautifully detailed and will be one of your favorites. The tree of life symbolized wisdom, protection, strength, bounty, beauty and redemption. The hamsa hand offers protection and creates positive energy, happiness, prosperity and good health. The evil eye bead is believed to provide protection from the envious eyes of others and ensure physical well-being. It gives protection and brings luck to all who wear it.

Accessories which are along with you everyday must be your most cherish one. So get the most significant jewelry to yourself and show your own taste. Such jewelry like rings, pendant, bracelet, etc., are the most popular these days. (BTW, I got a pair of engagement ceramic rings yesterday which engraved my first meeting days with my boyfriend. Wonderful!)

Charmed Design Protective Assortment

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